Flat Belly Round Booty Challenge


Flat Belly Round Booty Challenge

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Bonus

Here is the deal: For the next 5 days we are working together toward a Flat Belly and a Round Booty! Are you guys ready? Let’s get after it! This work out is 10 minutes ONLY TEN MINUTES! NOTE:- I sped up the video so you could see all of the exercises. Go at your own speed for these.

natalie jill flat belly round booty challengeNeed a nutrition program to go with the challenge?  Do one of my e-programs WITH the challenge (the 7-day jump start is a great place to start), and you will be well on your way to getting that FLAT BELLY and ROUND BOOTY!  

Wish you could spend 8 weeks with me getting your mind and body to the right place?  Get 4-free life changing videos and start today! Just CLICK HERE

“Are abs really made in the kitchen?”

It depends.

Here is the deal with abs: Nutrition plays a huge role with almost everyone that has abs. This is because if you EAT more than you are burning in a day, you will store fat and have a layer over those abs. 

If you are an athlete, train at a super high intensity, etc. the nutrition becomes slightly less critical as you are burning lots of calories and your metabolism works efficiently so that you will have a flat belly due to your hard training. This is why you will see ultra fit people or athletes get away with eating whatever they want and still having abs.

For example, I used to eat a super strict diet and would do long sessions of cardio to get those abs to come out of hiding.  As soon as I went off my “diet” they would disappear. 

Now, due to my high intensity workouts, I am not nearly as regimented or strict with my diet, but I have abs all the time.  I also have to mention that I can’t remember the last time I did long slow cardio at the gym either. 

It is nice to have abs without the hours of slow cardio and watching every bite.  The KEY is to train at a super high intensity so that my metabolism is always on fire.  For answers to the top ab related questions, GO HERE.

Here is another SUPER special offer I have for challenge members…save $30 and get my latest 200+ page recipe book for only $7! (limited time)

Also, challenge members can save 30% of my shredded abs program by using code: ABS30

Ready to get started?

Flat Belly Round Booty Challenge – Day 1

  • Mountain climbers – from plank position alternate feet in a down running position. Aim for 20 seconds running a d then a 10 second rest and then repeat. Get your heart rate up on these
  • Shimmies – on back, lower back pressed to the ground, concentrating on those abs, shimmies side to side. Small movement here. 20 seconds on, rest 10, 20 seconds on, rest 10
  • Reverse abs – lower back pressed into the ground, slowly lift and lower legs using those abs. Slow and controlled here. Aim for 15.
  • Donkey kicks – press your foot up, use that glute! 30 each leg.
  • Leg lifts back and side – each leg How did you do? Quick break NOW REPEAT! Less than 10 minutes total you can do it.

Day 1 TIP

Let’s talk about RESULTS.

WORKING OUT is OF COURSE important but you HAVE to change your diet in order to get lasting noticeable results. I know first hand how frustrating it can be to FEEL like you are eating everything right but not getting the reinforcement of results. Here is why: “Eating clean” can mean different things to different people and those definitions can vary GREATLY.

My definition of “eating clean” is eating unprocessed foods that once GREW. No fake fat free, sugar free ingredients that I can’t be pronounced. No foods that come in a package or that have a shelf life. Clean eating to me means consuming foods that are in their NATURAL state and that would go bad if I left them out on the counter or in a pantry for too long. Clean foods to me GREW at one time and came from a seed or a mom. They are NOT packaged supplements and they are not altered.

I am not sharing this to judge your diet but to share my definition of a clean diet. I also want to point out that why there may most certainly be a PLACE for meal replacement foods , supplements and shakes in your diet, to me, when aiming for a “Clean diet” those should be secondary to REAL foods. If what you are doing is working then by all means- keep doing it. If it is NOT working, please ask yourself everything I wrote above.

Flat Belly Round Booty Challenge – Day 2

You and I are working together towards making your FlatBelly and RoundBooty reality. Here we go!

For Today:  

  • Side Plank – FROM YOUR HAND keep your core tight! Can you hold it for 30 seconds? Advanced, lift one arm up and then a leg up. Rest for a few seconds and then repeat for another 30 seconds.
  • One leg touch downs –Use the BASE (planted) leg to drive yourself up and down. Work that glute! 30 each leg.
  • Donkey kick backs – Using a chair so you are higher up then yesterday. Focus on really using those glutes to drive your leg back. 30 each leg here too.
  • Squat kicking out to the side – Slow and controlled here. I want 40 total (20 each leg)
  • Plank with a twist! This is harder then it looks! Maintain a strong plank postion the whole time. 20 each side.

WORK THAT CORE, Stay Strong, Stay Focused!  

Day 2 Tip

“I had a baby (or 2, or 3.3… Can I get Abs back?” I get this question a LOT! Here is my answer: YES!! EVEN IF you had a C-section. Now there is not a whole lot you can do to reverse the c-section scar and tissue, BUT you can dramatically change the appearance. 

By developing the muscles in that area and losing overall body fat via your diet and training, you can drastically change the appearance of the area. It may be harder, it may take a bit longer but YES, YOU CAN!

In case you didn’t know, I am mother, so I know what it is like to deal with excess baby weight and over coming that to get abs.  I put a lot of that info together in my Body after Baby Program.

Now, “loose skin” can be challenging, believe me, I know.  I have abs, but downward dog is just NOT a flattering exercise after having a baby. The skin is not as elastic as we age and pregnancy does seem to stretch/change the skin around the mid to lower stomach. 

Even if the skin isn’t as tight as it used to be, you CAN still develop those muscles and you CAN lose overall body fat and that will drastically change the appearance of your stomach.

Most stretch marks will fade over time. Unfortunately exercising and diet will not change appearance of stretch marks.  What you can do is make sure you drink plenty of water and keep the skin moisturized from the outside as well.  

Flat Belly Round Booty Challenge – Day 3

Just thinking about changing your body won’t change your body so let’s go!

For Today:

  • Plank… Make sure your glutes are clenched and your pelvis is tucked under. FLATTEN out your lower back. Get rid of the “c curve” ONE MINUTE. I know this is hard… do what you can at a time but COMPLETE the one minute… do 12 sets of 5 seconds if you have to! “Up up down down” from that same plank position –
  • Windshield Wipers (15 each side) – On your back, keep your legs straight and “wipe” your legs from side to side like a wind shield wiper 40 total (20 each side)
  • Reverse curtsey lunge. Base leg is planted forward and your active leg lunges back with a slight tap, back to center and then curtsies behind (20 sets each side)
  • Butt Kicks – Get that hear rate UP! One minute! Time it- complete it! Break it up into smaller segments if you have to.

Day  3 Tip 

I frequently am asked What is the BEST ab exercise? I am a big fan of PLANKS. Here is the reason: they are GREAT for your lower back (when done with correct form) and they are AMAZING for CORE development. Planks are challenging to do, and there are lots of ways to progress the exercise and make it harder.

Doing planks gives you a stronger CORE which will improve your functional training with EVERY thing you do. They are also challenging, require a lot of energy and you DO burn calories doing planks as it is a full body exercise. So plank away!  Here is a sneaky Day-3 special.  Get 30% off my shredded abs program by using code ABS30.  Get it here.

Work up to 2 minutes and then start progressing the exercise.  Start by lifting 1-arm at a time.  Then 1-arm and the opposite leg.  Anything to make you unstable or that requires more balance is a GOOD thing.  If you can hold a plank for a long time you are on the right track!

Flat Belly Round Booty Challenge – Day 4

For today:

  • Lean Backs – Slow and controlled! Glutes clenched, core tight, slowly lean back using your quads and your abs. Repeat for 20.
  • Inch Worm Crawls – Start from standing, crouch down and walk yourself out to a plank position with your hands and then walk your feet to your hands, repeat! 20 full walk outs.
  • Wall Sits – BUT alternate right leg up and then left leg. 20 seconds each leg
  • Lunges! Let’s GO! Time yourself for a minute on these. Do these slow and controlled and drive up with that GLUTE!
  • BONUS! 1 minute PLANK hold.

Day 4 Tip

I am NOT personally a fan of crunches…Not after what I learned about when I was dealing with my previous back pain. Now before you tell me “you are no longer following me because you love crunches” I am going to admit and share with you that YES, two years ago, if you had asked me how to get abs, I would have said CRUNCH AWAY, as that is what I HAD been doing. 

But I was wrong. Yes, I had a great “6 pack” with those crunches but I also had a terrible time with back pain and hip problems and I had a very dramatic anterior pelvic tilt which was further made worse by lots of ‘crunches’.

I have since corrected my anterior pelvic tilt by changing my training and one of the first things I was told was to take the crunches out of my workouts. Not just minimize them, but completely out.

Through this experience, most of what I had suggested in the past has now has changed. What do I do instead? I have been sharing ALL of my favorite Ab and Core exercises throughout this Flat Belly Challenge week. 

Flat Belly Round Booty Challenge- Day 5

For today: 

  • From a PLANK position, bring one leg out and in… repeat each side 20 times. If being on your hands is too challenging, bring it down to your forearms.
  • Criss-cross lower ab – On your back and up on your forearms slightly, criss cross your ankles to work those lower abs! Can you do 30 seconds?
  • From the same position, slow and low bicycles. Time these for 30 seconds
  • Walk outs – Crouch down, use your core and abs and walk forward and back- 15 total
  • Hamstring curls – On your stomach, using your own body weight, press your top ankle down on your bottom one to create resistance. Curl your leg up and down using that hamstring! – 20 each leg.

Day 5 Tip  

Is there a magic pill to get rid of stomach fat? I hate to break it to you but no.  There is no  “magic pill” or wrap that melts belly fat.  You can lose temporary water weight but not fat with those things. Hard work, intensity, and proper nutrition are the ONLY “magic pills” that really work!

The ONLY way to lose belly fat and KEEP it off is to do it the healthy way. You have to work at it and BE CONSISTENT!

I can tell you that switching from a processed food diet to a clean and natural one (like my jump start program) will typically help you lose about 5 lbs week one and 2 lbs each week to follow.

The reason you lose about 5 lbs week one is because you lose excess water and bloat in ADDITION to body fat.  By making that your LIFESTYLE, you should lose about 2 lbs of fat each week to follow until you hit your healthy weight.  Doing it properly means that you will experience realistic and long lasting RESULTS!

Now, there are a few exceptions to this rule. If you have a LOT to lose, and you are currently inactive and your diet is poor then you typically CAN lose weight a bit faster.  Along those same lines, if you only have 10 pounds to lose, you won’t lose 5lbs the first week.. you would lean out but not have a dramatic 5 lb fat loss that quick. 

So it takes DECIDING, COMMITING, and then DOING the work ☺ No magic pill just YOU doing the work!

Flat Belly Round Booty Challenge BONUS

For today: 

  • Criss-cross lower abs – On your back and up on your forearms slightly, criss-cross your ankles to work those lower abs! Can you do 30 seconds?
  • From the same position, slow and low bicycles. Time these for 30 seconds
  • One leg Bridges – On your back, cross one ankle over the opposite leg and lift and lower using that GLUTE! 20 each leg
  • Wall Sits – With your back against the wall, squat down and HOLD for 30 seconds
  • Low squat side steps – SQUAT LOW and move it side to side! 15 steps each side. The lower your get the more you will feel it!
  • Walking lunges – Add some walking lunges for 30 seconds.

Day 6 BONUS Tip  

Is there a magic pill to get rid of stomach fat? I hate to break it to you but no.  There is no  “magic pill” or wrap that melts belly fat.  You can lose Natalie Jill Fittemporary water weight but not fat with those things. Hard work, intensity, and proper nutrition are the ONLY “magic pills” that really work!

The ONLY way to lose belly fat and KEEP it off is to do it the healthy way. You have to work at it and BE CONSISTENT!

I can tell you that switching from a processed food diet to a clean and natural one (like my jump start bundle program) will typically help you lose about 5 lbs week one and 2 lbs each week to follow.

The reason you lose about 5 lbs week one is because you lose excess water and bloat in ADDITION to body fat.  By making that your LIFESTYLE, you should lose about 2 lbs of fat each week to follow until you hit your healthy weight.  Doing it properly means that you will experience realistic and long lasting RESULTS!

Now, there are a few exceptions to this rule. If you have a LOT to lose, and you are currently inactive and your diet is poor then you typically CAN lose weight a bit faster.  Along those same lines, if you only have 10 pounds to lose, you won’t lose 5lbs the first week.. you would lean out but not have a dramatic 5 lb fat loss that quick. 

So it takes DECIDING, COMMITTING, and then DOING the work ☺ No magic pill just YOU doing the work!

If you like the workouts want to continue to see RESULTS, then work out with me in your LIVING ROOM with any of my programs – all of them have workouts you can do with your own body weight, from anywhere, with no equipment!

Be Happy…  Be Healthy…  Be FIT!

– Natalie Jill