28 May Amalgam, Fluoride, Root Canals and All Things DENTAL Affecting How We Age with NYC Smile Design
Along my detox journey I decided to take out my amalgam fillings and I am currently debating removing my one root canal and my porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crown. I have A LOT of questions for someone in the dentistry field, and who better than the power dentist duo, Dr. Ramin Tabib and Dr. Elisa Mello from NYC Smile Design. Why them? Because in addition to focusing on dentistry, they focus on the HEALTH of dentistry, too. It was really important to me to get a really well-rounded and unbiased opinion and so I am really glad they were able to be on!
All About Amalgam Fillings
Amalgam is a very old and archaic tooth restoration procedure from the 1800’s that uses one of the most poisonous ingredients for us there is: mercury. It’s something that has been banned in other countries, but not in America. This is likely because it was the foundation that the American Dental Association (ADA) was organized around. Back then, a lot of barbers were actually replacing amalgam fillings and it became an economic situation in which they needed to protect the amalgam industry and ensure dentists were getting that work. With the whole ADA being centered around protecting amalgam fillings, it would open the flood gates to lawsuits if they were to come out and say hey, actually, amalgams are actually bad for us!
In addition, because the metal expands differently to temperatures than a tooth does, it causes miniature cracks to form. With these cracks, comes even more leaching, tooth crack, and extra decay underneath it. This is essentially setting us up to be predisposed to even MORE dental work down the road.
Are dentists still using it? Yes. Should dentists still be using it? No. Is it as easy as just removing it? No. When you cut into it, you definitely get exposed to it.
What If I Have Amalgam Fillings? Should I Remove Them?
If an amalgam filling has been in your mouth more than 12 years and is breaking down, it should be removed. If it’s a very small, shiny, smooth filling, you can wait. The less amount you have, the less urgent it is to get it removed. The more you have, the urgency you have to remove it increases greatly. It is possible to have a silver filling and NOT know that you have a problem with it.

How and Who Can Remove My Amalgam Fillings?
When it comes to removing them, it’s more about HOW they do it than WHO does it. While it’s important to have air filters and chlorophyll and take all of the preventative measures before removing them, it’s MOST important that your dentist not only uses but also properly places and secures a rubber dam on you.
What About My Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) Crowns?
The problem with PFM’s is not the metal, but the type of metal. PFM’s is a great crown for a tooth IF you use the right precious metals underneath it. But what has happened is that with increased prices of precious metals, labs have started to add tin, cobalt, and many others that cheapen the metal actually being fused. This can cause a lot of gum inflammatory responses and symptoms because of the body reacting.
All porcelain crowns have now taken the cake these days, though. They are strong, cleaner, and generally healthier for the mouth. But if your tissue looks healthy with a PFM and you are not testing high for metals, or showing inflammatory responses, it’s okay to leave your PFM’s in.
How Bad Are Root Canals for Us?
Root canals have gotten a bad rap because there have been a lot of really bad root canals done. When they are not done properly, they can totally cause issues. If your x-rays are showing that there are no signs of infection, no encapsulation, no signs of root issues, there is no reason to remove your root canal.
How Important Is It To Use Fluoride on Our Teeth?
Pro tip: apply not consume. Topically, fluoride is great for your teeth. But do we really need fluoride in the water? No. Especially because it’s uncontrolled. Xylitol is another great ingredient that can be used to ward off decay on teeth.
What Can We Do For Our Teeth, Jaw, and Bones As We Age?
As we age our skin tone and elasticity changes and we see some sagging. But what also affects that, is the aging of our teeth. As we change our bite throughout the years (from chewing or grinding or clenching, etc.) it changes our facial structure because the height of our teeth are the only reason our jaws sit the way they do. As we age, the lower third of your jaw becomes more shrunken, because your teeth are worn down. This CAN be fixed by restoring your teeth and jaw structure through orthodontics, invisalign, and/or restoration, AND do it the RIGHT way.
This is another example of getting to the ROOT cause (no pun intended lol) instead of just throwing medications at a lot of the symptoms that these structural imbalances can cause!
All of this and MORE on this episode!
About Dr. Ramin Tabib
Dr. Ramin Tabib is one of the most innovative dentists in New York City dedicated to achieving the best, healthiest, and most beautiful smiles for his patients. Not only is he committed to the highest level of dentistry, but he has dedicated his life to mastering the latest in dental technology.
After receiving a B.A degree in biology at State University of New York, Binghamton, Dr. Tabib attended the Columbia University College of Dental Surgery, receiving his DDS degree in 1991.
Dr. Tabib has received extensive training in the diagnosis and placement of dental implants at the prestigious Misch Implant Institute, Pittsburgh, and at New York University’s Implantology program. Additionally, he has achieved Fellowship status in the International Congress of Oral Implantology, an honor only a handful of dentists worldwide have achieved. He has further added to his skills in neuromuscular dentistry, and has studied with some of the most progressive clinicians in this field. He has completed advanced training in cosmetic and restorative dentistry, pain control, and anesthesia as well.
About Dr. Elisa Mello
Dr. Elisa Mello, known for her extraordinary dentistry, comes highly recommended for her keen eye to detail and precision. She is described by her patients as the “dentist with a heart of gold” as she assures that those who step in her office are well-listened to, and get the best possible smile makeover they can be proud of.
After graduating from New York University, Dr. Mello continued her education at the New York University College of Dentistry, receiving her doctorate in dental surgery in 1991. Dr. Mello was elected to membership of the prestigious Omicron Kappa Upsilon, The National Dental Honor Society that recognizes academic and clinical excellence in dentistry. She was recognized as the senior student attaining the highest skill and knowledge in the field of periodontology and awarded the Samuel Charles Miller Award in Periodontics.
Dr. Mello is committed to studying the latest methods and technologies with the most highly regarded and innovative clinicians to treat TMJ/headache and neuromuscular dentistry patients.
In this episode, you will learn:
- All About Amalgam Fillings
- Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) Crowns
- The connection between dental health and overall wellness
- Advancements in dental implant materials
- Should you be using fluoride
- Pros & Cons of Root Canals
- Whether or not to get veneers
- and MORE!