Success Stories

What Others Have to Say about Natalie Jill's Programs...


13 lbs GONE!!!! Meet Claudia- Now, I have been a client of Claudia’s for YEARS and she surprised me when I went in to see her for an appointment and she had lost 13 lbs!!! Remember, everyone has different goals! Let’s encourage and empower each other to work hard to be their best self possible. Let’s be the positive person in someone’s day!

She looks SO GOOD and is making such amazing progress!

In Claudia’s words: “I’ve lost 13 lbs since I started the 7 Day Jump Start, which was almost 2 months ago. I’m back to the weight I was when I got married 8 years ago! It was so easy and I was shocked at how much bloat I lost.

I took my time and read the whole program and found all of the exercises very motivating. I’ve basically carried on the eating habits I learned in those 7 days. I try to eat clean and unprocessed at least 90% of the time.

I also did the Rev-4 workouts, which I love! I do the DVD 5 days a week. Its challenging yet I know I can push through it. My family, friends and clients have all noticed the change.

‘I’m happier, I feel healthier and I’m so excited for this new chapter!!”


WHO is next?

Get started on your OWN transformation and get the SAME program Claudia found success at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Michelle Chaplin

34 lbs gone in three months!

Recognizing others’ accomplishments publicly is contagious…so read her story, and if you have something encouraging or positive to say, please comment away!

In Michelle’s words: “I have been struggling with losing weight for years. I have tried all diet pills & plans possible.

I chose Natalie Jill’s 7 Day Jump Start because of the simpleness of it. I started on January 12, 2015 and followed that for two weeks. After that, I purchased her 4 Week Program and continued to follow that.

I have had people tell me I needed to eat so much protein and so many carbs, but Natalie laid it out for me and told me what to eat and then gave a substitution list if I didn’t like it. This is what I needed; someone to lay it out for me until my mind got it.

My mind finally got it and now I make conscious decisions on what I eat. It is ingrained in me, to make those decisions on my own and I have kept my 34 lbs off.

People have asked me what diet I am on, and I respond by saying I am not on a diet- I made a lifestyle change.

It is so easy to follow and I am so HAPPY with this program. The exercise videos on YouTube and Facebook are so easy to follow and they do not take hours to do.

I have not felt this good about myself since before the birth of my 14 year old son. Thank you Natalie for helping to inspire me and so many people.”

There you have it! She made good choices that became ingrained and part of her LIFESTYLE…and look at her now!

WHO IS NEXT?? Get the same program Michelle followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Dana Carte

20lbs and a ‘ton of inches’ GONE and feeling better than EVER…in her 40’s!

Don’t you LOVE IT when people recognize your efforts and compliment you on your achievement…let’s hear it for Dana! Read her story, as I know MANY of you can relate!

In Dana’s Words:”I was tired of being fat. Plain and simple. I never had to diet until I hit my 40’s. I went through many diet fads. I’d always gain the weight back. I came across Natalie’s page on FB. I decided to buy the Jump Start program to learn what I should be eating.

I wasn’t sure I could do it because I had a neuroma removed from my foot in August 2014. This was end of January 2015 and I figured if I couldn’t do it now, I never would. I started slow. Couldn’t finish all the exercises, but I was trying. Wish I had gotten before pics when I started, but I was ashamed of the way I looked. After 4 weeks I felt better so decided to do a 2nd round.

That’s when I started realizing I was getting somewhere, and when I took before pictures. I wanted to step it up and try the shred so I bought the program. Immediately after I purchased I hit the regret stage. I told my hubby I was never going to be able to do this.

I’m a very picky eater and a huge carb fan. Veggies? Are you crazy? I read the program and kept saying no way, but my start date was fast approaching. I finally figured out that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’d do the same as I did on the 4 week program. Do what you can, as you can.

I am now 8 weeks in. I’m surprised that I am eating some veggies and more fruit and salad. I’ve lost 20 lbs and a ton of inches. I have definition in my arms and legs and abs. I’ve always had nice legs, but never in my arms. I can’t lift all the weights the program asks for. Sometimes I can’t do every rep. But I’m trying and I’m getting stronger every day.

I’m enjoying my workouts. I’ve only missed one in 8 weeks and it was on Mother’s Day. We spent 10 hours on the road so I figured I deserved it. I give myself a cheat day every Sunday. We go get frozen yogurt. And I’m still getting there. I have 4 weeks left and I can’t believe I ever made it past the first week.

So thank you Natalie Jill for encouraging me and empowering women to make smart choices. You are right, there are NO excuses. Only solutions!


Follow the SAME program Dana started with at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Nancy Garcia

Mother of four has lost 21 lbs and 16+ inches in less than three months! I am SO excited to share Nancy’s SUCCESS story!

Recognizing others’ accomplishments publicly is contagious…so read Nancy’s story, and if you have something encouraging or positive to say, please let her know!

In Nancy’s words:

“I had tried several different ways to lose weight, but I have found a way to keep it off thanks to you! I lost 21 pounds and 16 inches on your 4 week Jump Start plan, of which I followed for 10 weeks, but continued to eat healthy and exercise.

I have four kids, which keep me busy, but now I feel great and I am full of energy. I have given everybody that asks how I did it your inform

Thank you!”


Follow the SAME program Nancy followed here and make it a LIFESTYLE! Learn more here —> 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Kady Dozier

I love stories like these! This is Kady just six weeks into my program. 20 lbs gone in six weeks. Amazing!!! Everyone has different goals! Before commenting remember this is an actual person who worked very hard… positive, supportive, encouraging comments welcome! 🙂

In Kady’s worrds: “I have tried so many weight loss plans, diet pills etc., and nothing was working for me. I couldn’t stay committed to working out at all. Mostly because I didn’t know what I was doing. I finally hit a point where none of my jeans were fitting and I wasn’t comfortable in any of my clothes anymore.

I was eating out every night and not working out at all. I finally decided I didn’t want to feel “gross” anymore. I got a gym membership and went a few times over a 4 month time period. It was too boring for me to motivate myself to go. When I came across Natalie’s Facebook page I was very inspired by her story and the many other success stories. I have been doing this for 6 weeks and I am only halfway through the 12 weeks, but I have seen amazing results! I have lost 20 pounds!

I went from a 29 to a 27. I honestly feel great! I don’t have to “suck it in” for pictures anymore and I am comfortable in regular clothes again. I have followed the workout plan almost exact. I really enjoy the workouts and the videos have helped me a lot. I did really well with the meal plan the first 3 weeks, but that has been more of a struggle for me to stick to.

I do find when I eat bad foods I feel sick and regret it. I look forward to my workout every day & I have learned to enjoy healthy foods. I have learned so much. I would recommend it to anyone trying to lose weight, gain strength, and get toned. I am very excited to see what results I have in 6 more weeks!”

WHO is next? Get the same programs Kady Dozier followed and start your own transformation at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Emily Cipalla

7 lbs down on the 7 day jump start! Love this mom of 4 pushing 40!

Go EMILY!! If you all have something nice and encouraging to say, please do! Don’t you love when you work hard, get results, and others compliment you? She looks fantastic!

Loved seeing this message via Instagram… Who wants to be next?


7lbs gone using my 7 day jump start program. You can do this too!


Follow the same program Emily followed and make it a lifestyle! Learn more at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Beth Wauford

26 lbs GONE! This Mom of SIX is ROCKING IT! GO BETH! She did it and YOU can too!

I’m about to share her story…If you have something nice and positive to say please comment! You all KNOW how amazing it feels when others encourage you and congratulate you on your commitment:)!!

In Beth’s words:

“Until 2013 I was an avid runner & really didn’t struggle with my weight that much; but after a knee injury requiring surgery, I was never able to run at the level I did before.

I tried Other diets/ programs but they really didn’t work for me b/c I always felt deprived, hungry & irritable.  I also hate long, boring workouts in the gym & just could  not stay committed.

NJs programs were simple, easy to follow, quick, & you didn’t have to have any special equipment.   In January I weighed in at 165.  I followed the the 7 day Jump start eating & exercise plan & immediately began to see results.  I felt better, had more energy, felt less bloated & in just a few days my clothes began to feel less constricting!

I also used the Rev 4 DVD for workouts as well.  The videos were awesome, only 10 minutes each…. Who doesn’t have 10 minutes to work out?  Because you follow along with Natalie  on the videos, it’s like she’s right there working out beside you.  She’s constantly encouraging you throughout the entire video.

Before long I could tell that I was not only losing weight but I was becoming stronger & more toned as well.  Friends & coworkers were constantly complimenting me & asking what I was doing to get in shape.  I did have a couple of setbacks, my son was hospitalized for a few days & then I had a pretty bad car accident… Both incidents momentarily slowed my progress; but each time I got right back on track & quickly rebounded finding my “groove”.

I can honestly say that this has become a lifestyle change.  I no longer crave the sweets, fast foods, or junk food anymore.  Nor do I feel deprived when someone eats a donut in front of me.  I’ve learned that healthy food is good food & it is very satisfying.  I now weigh 139 & I am able to wear all my favorite clothes again…all size 8!!!   I know that I never could’ve done this without NJ, her programs & all the wonderful supporters I met!  The entire NJ team rocks!”

Go Beth! Thank you for sharing your story with us. You look AMAZING!

WHO IS NEXT? Get the same programs that BETH followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


26 lbs GONE! This Mom of SIX is ROCKING IT! GO BETH! She did it and YOU can too!

I’m about to share her story…If you have something nice and positive to say please comment! You all KNOW how amazing it feels when others encourage you and congratulate you on your commitment:)!!

In Beth’s words:

“Until 2013 I was an avid runner & really didn’t struggle with my weight that much; but after a knee injury requiring surgery, I was never able to run at the level I did before.

I tried Other diets/ programs but they really didn’t work for me b/c I always felt deprived, hungry & irritable.  I also hate long, boring workouts in the gym & just could  not stay committed.

NJs programs were simple, easy to follow, quick, & you didn’t have to have any special equipment.   In January I weighed in at 165.  I followed the the 7 day Jump start eating & exercise plan & immediately began to see results.  I felt better, had more energy, felt less bloated & in just a few days my clothes began to feel less constricting!

I also used the Rev 4 DVD for workouts as well.  The videos were awesome, only 10 minutes each…. Who doesn’t have 10 minutes to work out?  Because you follow along with Natalie  on the videos, it’s like she’s right there working out beside you.  She’s constantly encouraging you throughout the entire video.

Before long I could tell that I was not only losing weight but I was becoming stronger & more toned as well.  Friends & coworkers were constantly complimenting me & asking what I was doing to get in shape.  I did have a couple of setbacks, my son was hospitalized for a few days & then I had a pretty bad car accident… Both incidents momentarily slowed my progress; but each time I got right back on track & quickly rebounded finding my “groove”.

I can honestly say that this has become a lifestyle change.  I no longer crave the sweets, fast foods, or junk food anymore.  Nor do I feel deprived when someone eats a donut in front of me.  I’ve learned that healthy food is good food & it is very satisfying.  I now weigh 139 & I am able to wear all my favorite clothes again…all size 8!!!   I know that I never could’ve done this without NJ, her programs & all the wonderful supporters I met!  The entire NJ team rocks!”

Go Beth! Thank you for sharing your story with us. You look AMAZING!

WHO IS NEXT? Get the same programs that BETH followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Jane Barta

17 lbs and 7 inches GONE! Meet 50 year old mother of five, Jane! If you have something positive to say, share away!

In Jane’s words: “In the past, other diets and workout plans didn’t work because I never felt full and wasn’t given as much info as I needed to succeed. It became extremely hard for me to keep the weight off.

The Jump Start gives you the support to not give up. We all slip up, but it helps to stay strong and keep going!!!

I stayed consistent and focused on clean eating. I strived to overcome obstacles by knowing that I can always do better! I now look for the healthy choices when it comes to food.

I now am more active and working on building my strength!!! I have learned lots and have felt encouraged!! I will continue to keep this going!!! Thank you!!!!”

Go Jane! Thank you for sharing your story with us. You look AMAZING !

Get the SAME program that Jane followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Kerrianne Burch

17 lbs and over 11 inches gone in 8 weeks on the Jump Start! Go Kerrianne! Love this dedicated 37 y/o elementary school teacher and mom of 2!. Everyone has different goals! Let’s encourage and empower each other to work hard to be their best self possible. Let’s be the positive person in someone’s day

In Kerrianne’s words: “In the past, other diets and workout plans didn’t work because they didn’t feel healthy or sustainable.

-Book editor has more of her story- Leda?

Go Kerrianne! Thank you for sharing your progress with us. You look AMAZING

WHO IS NEXT? Get the program that Kerrianne followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Elizabeth Cherry

42 and 20 Pounds gone! I am SO excited to share Elizabeth’s Jump Start success story! Don’t you LOVE when you work super hard at something and others notice and compliment you! Let’s do this for her! She worked hard and deserves it.

In Elizabeth’s words: “I’ve always been an active gal. My favorite activity was the gym and anything that was fitness. I lived on the run and loved to eat but my active lifestyle and attempts at diets kept the pounds somewhat in control and me in the sexy clothes we all like to fit into.

Then it happened!! The first shoe dropped, I turned 40 and it seems like overnight none of the old remedies worked. I was still just as active, teaching a strength aerobics class in the morning, working full time in a physically demanding job, hitting the gym whenever time allowed.

I started to exercise harder and watched what i ate (ok maybe just a little) I slowed the weight gain down and thought I would be ok, when the second shoe fell! I turned 41!! And things were about to get harder! Now nothing was working and as I looked back at my vacation pictures I had to admit, (the bikini doesn’t lie, does it?) it hadn’t been working for a while

Over the years I’ve tried every diet there was and never stayed on one more than a week and was at a loss as to where to turn. I needed a savior and when I found Natalie’s website. I devoured everything I could about Natalie.

She made sense to me but I didn’t become a true believer until I started the program and it worked. I lost weight I and I was able to fit into clothes I hadn’t been into for some time, don’t get me wrong it wasn’t easy but it worked.

Now, I’m headed to Jamaica and want to see the “me” that dared to get into any bikini no matter how small. Not the one that was afraid that it was time to retire the bikini for a one piece.”

Go Elizabeth! Thank you for sharing your story with us. You look AMAZING and are going to ROCK that teeny weeny bikini on Vacation!!


Get the same program that Elizabeth followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Anita Skelton

11 pounds and 8 inches gone at age 65!!! Meet Anita and learn how she regained her energy and positive attitude! She is from the Netherlands, so let’s show her the world supports her with positive comments from all over!

In Anita’s words:

“I’m really bad at selfies so my photos do no justice at all to the changes that have been happening to me.

First of all I have my energy and positivity back! I’m enjoying working out and I’m enjoying cooking and eating healthy food. As a vegetarian I’ve always focused on labels and eating clean but over the last year or so I’ve been eating for emotional reasons and that is always sweet things.

So my basic diet was very similar to the eating plan but with bigger portions and more carbs. The 3 major changes for me have been adding snacks, eating more healthy fats and water water water!

In the past previous diets has worked in the short term only. The Jump Start feels like a more sustainable way of eating and I like the fact that I don’t have to measure and weigh anything.

I am 65 and have still managed to lose inches and adapt the workouts to fit my own capabilities. It’s definitely a good program for everyone and I highly recommend it.”

Thank you Anita! We are so proud of you!

Who is next?

Get the same lifestyle program Anita followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Joanie Barry

8 pounds and 12 inches gone! Way to go Joanie! If you have something supportive to say, share away!

In Joanie’s words: “I was excited to write a testimonial because I want it to inspire others who may be like me…too modest to put their pics out there for everyone to see. But we are such a visual culture that we need to see pics to believe that we can change our physical bodies.

I have had three full term births. I tried to have my “cake and eat it too.” In other words, I expected change in my body by still eating fast food and all the processed stuff too.

NJ’s nutritional guidelines in the 4 Week Jump Start really clicked for me. This for me, was a transformational journey with ups and downs. But once you understand that this is for a lifetime, the decisions of what you do gets easier.

You’ll realize that fast food does not have a place in your daily diet, saying no is okay, and eating the right things can change not just you, but the life of your family. And my family means the world to me, and for them it’s worth eating clean.

Thank you for investing time into creating this program; my deep appreciation.”

Go Joanie! WHO is next?!
Get the same program that Joanie followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Debbie Hoyt

11 pounds and 10 inches gone in 8 weeks! Back injury overcome! Go Debbie! Another incredible Jump Start transformation from this 44 year old mother! Don’t you LOVE when you work super hard at something and others notice and compliment you! Let’s do this for her! She worked hard and deserves it.

In Debbie’s words: “Previous diets never worked because they did not address my mindset from the beginning. Also, other programs often left me to my own devices.

Natalie helps change your thought process about the transformation journey, all a while giving you all the tools that you need in order to be successful. I never felt alone in the journey.

I would also like to share that even though Natalie’s exercise programs are short in nature, they can be as intense as you need them to be. When done on a consistent basis, you definitely see results.

Natalie’s exercise DVD’s also helped me overcome a back injury- her DVD’s were and are the only exercise programs that do not irritate my SI joint.”

Go Debbie! Thank you for sharing your story with us. You look AMAZING!

WHO IS NEXT? Get the programs that DEBBIE followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Beth Hoettels

Love seeing these posts! 7 pounds gone in 8 weeks! GO Ella!!! Before commenting remember this is an actual person who worked very hard… positive, supportive, encouraging comments welcome! 🙂

This youthful 41 year old travels around the globe for her job and manages to make her health and fitness a priority no matter where she is! The Jump Start helped Ella with mindset to make a COMMITMENT. As Ella says, “You are stronger than you think. You just have to believe….”

Thank you for sharing your success, Ella!

Who wants to be NEXT? Get the same program she used to lose 7 lbs at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Jacquelyn Craver

Down 30 pounds and feeling stronger than ever. Meet Jacqueline! I am about to share her story- If you have something encouraging to say please comment away! Empowering and encouraging others and recognizing others accomplishments publicly is a great way to keep happiness and positivity contagious 🙂

In Jacqueline’s words: “For years, I had tried different programs and different products. It wasn’t until I tried Natalie Jill’s 7 Day Jump Start that something really made an impact in my life. By unprocessing my diet, my weight loss really started to show. The basic, key fundamentals really work. I felt I had the concept down and it taught me what I needed to know to keep doing it on my own.

The workout programs are also a great key to success. No more hours on the treadmill or elliptical, just quick and targeted workouts to enhance the weight loss and make me stronger.

Now, I am and stronger than ever. My core feels amazing. It was the ‘unprocess my diet’ and ‘realistic’ workouts that really made this impact. I am very grateful for finding NJ fitness.

Congratulations Jacqueline! WHO is next?!

Get the SAME program Jacqueline followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Anthony Ramirez

Everyone has different goals! Let’s encourage and empower each other to work hard to be their best self possible. Let’s be the positive person in someone’s day!

Meet Anthony Ramirez. He completed the 7 Day Jump Start and had amazing results, not only in his physical appearance, but in his confidence levels and mindset.

In Anthony’s words:

“I completed your 7 Day Jump Start, and it was amazing! I just want to thank you because you made me feel confident about myself.

Also, you helped me inspire others around me. I am now a certified personal trainer that loves to motivate and teach other people how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Recently I felt like I was falling off the wagon. I was trying to remember what it was about the 7 Day Jump Start that made me feel SO motivated. Then I realized it was the questionnaire that had me write out my short-term and long-term goals and how I want to view myself. I realized that that shifted my mindset in a positive way!

Thank you so much for inspiring me to achieve my goals and showing me anything is possible once I set my mind to it! Thank you once again, Natalie!”

Way to go, Anthony! And I know you will be back on the wagon! Sometimes all it takes is another visit to square one where we define our goals, and determine our WHY.

WHO is next?

Get the same program Anthony followed and start your own transformation at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Zonia Kelly

6 pounds and 15 inches GONE! Meet 48 year old mother of 2 Zonia! I’m about to share her story…If you have something nice and positive to say please comment! You all KNOW how amazing it feels when others encourage you and congratulate you on your commitment:)!!

In Zonia’s words: “Diets that didn’t work were ones that involved counting calories and that eliminated fats and carbs all together.  Balanced diets work the best for me, and are more realistic to everyday life.

I used to do all cardio workouts in the past, and they never got me anywhere, in fact I would get injury after injury doing constant cardio, it just doesn’t work effectively.  Now I strength train, using mostly body weight and some weights, about 80% of the time and I still do a little bit of cardio at 20%.  I use HIIT a lot now and love it. I still love to run because it clears my head, but only for a short amount of time.

I also grew up surrounded by food all the time, being Hispanic, we always had refried beans and tortillas at our disposal 24/7 and yes we at beans for breakfast.  I have learned to only have that once in a long while. The trick to avoiding eating those foods that derail you are just not to have them in your house then you are not tempted to have it.

I have been doing Natalie Jill’s program all while in full blown Menopause and if I can do it anyone can do it. You just have to decide that this is your time. Once you put your mind to it you can do anything.

Start where Zonia started with the 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Lisa Grundrum

Start where Lisa started with the 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


Start where Kelly started with the 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!