28 May You are the sum of the people you surround yourself with
You are the sum of the people you surround yourself with

With Cassey Ho from Blogilates
One thing I know for sure is that we are the sum of the people who we surround ourselves with. That is not my original quote but it is the mantra I live by.
I believe you should “collect people daily” that add value to your life. You know those people that seem to lift you up. Those people that you just want to be around, because there is something ‘special’ about them.
They are typically leaders and those who empower others. There is a contagious energy about them that makes me want MORE of them in my life. I do my best to attract and collect those people by investing MY time and energy into THEM.
Did you catch that? You have go GIVE to receive. You have to invest in others before they will invest in you.
What does this have to do with my recent 7 Day Jump Start Book Unprocess Your Diet Book Launch Party in Los Angeles?

My husband…VERY lucky to have him in my life!
Well, I will tell you. In the midst of my LA book launch I looked around and wanted to pinch myself.
I looked around to see not only 100 of my friends, but I realized that this event was one of the most empowering, enjoyable evenings in my adult life to date!
Not because of my book, but because I looked around the room and was amazed at the group that surrounded me. The group that showed up to support ME and my message!
All the people that I had collected into my life 🙂 Entrepreneurs, motivating, positive and authentic quality people who are givers by nature. The ones with the contagious positive energy. The best of the best.
They were all there for me! No negativity in the room, no one there for just themselves, just a solid group of selfless, amazing quality people. I am so grateful to have them “on my bus”
In the pictures from left to right above:
Natalia and Frank Kern, Chady Dunmore, Lewis Howes , Natalie Minh, Liz from Super Sister Fitness, Ingrid Romero, Brett Hoebel and Keri Glassman, James Maskell, Shawn Stevenson, Lori Harder, Zlata and Irena from Sexy Fit, Rachel Maser from Clean Food Crush and the infamous Dr. Cat from Beauty by Dr. Cat!
A HUGE thank you goes out to the key sponsors of my Unprocess Your Diet book LA launch party. Without them this event would not have been possible! MitoXCell, Simply 7 Snacks, Blogilates, DGTV, and Organifi!
Big thanks to the event photographer Ed Melliza for capturing photos of the event (most of the photos on this blog are by him).
And last but not least, a thank you to the brands who had their product available for people at the events! Health-Ade Kombucha, Momentum Motivate Wraps, Detox Water, Icelandic Water,
Seriously, thank you all for making this the event it was.
Finally, THANK YOU to ALL of you who came and turned it into a party!!! It was so wonderful to have so many influential, inspiring power houses in the same room!
Thank you ALL for being a part of this celebration.
Be Happy… Be Healthy… Be FIT!
– Natalie Jill