27 May Natalie Jill Podcast Interviews
Natalie Jill Podcast Interviews
I LOVE Podcasts! They are such a GREAT way to learn, stay motivated and have the right messages in our lives! In addition to my OWN Podcast: Leveling up creating everything from nothing, I have been on many other podcasts. Here are some of my FAVORITE shows that I have been interviewed on!
Aging In Reverse on Mindfulness Mode Podcast with Bruce Langford
In this episode I share with you my own personal stories of overcoming roadblocks and my personal path to success and feeling my best, even at 47. NO, it’s not too late! Listen as I teach YOU how YOU can Age In Reverse with me!
Listen to the full episode here.
How To Change Your State & Age In Reverse – on The Model Health Show with Shawn Stevenson
I am so excited to share this message with you and also that this episode ranked TOP 5 on iTunes!
What holds you back from becoming your best self? I’ll tell you. It’s your limited beliefs, and I know this FIRST HAND. In this episode you will learn how my personal health problems changed my mindset on aging for the better. I get into the importance of authenticity and sharing your struggles. I address what false assumed truths are and also how to keep your ego in check. I will teach you how you can reach your goals with my Transformation Triangle method, and how you can get clear on your goals and AGE IN REVERSE!
Watch the video above or listen in on the interview with Shawn Stevenson HERE!
How To Look and Feel Younger on The Chalene Show
It’s always SUCH an honor to chat with my very talented friend Chalene. In this episode of the Chalene Show, Chalene and I get REALLY REAL. We talk about: what it’s like to feel like you’re in competition with younger women, how much longer it takes to get ready when you’re older, some of the stereotypes that feed into your beliefs, Botox, weight loss, body image, habits, looking and feeling better, but most importantly… WE TALK STRATEGY! Learn how to AGE IN REVERSE!
Listen to the full episode HERE.
Rediscovering Joy and Prosperity in Work and Marriage by Relinquishing the Need to Control
In this candid interview I share how I found joy in aging, marriage and business after relinquishing the need to control everything. I loved chatting with David and Angelike Norrie! They asked phenomenal questions and we went DEEP! Super deep. Listen in HERE
Aging in Reverse – JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show
In this episode, I share my top tips on how to turn back the clock so you can look and feel better than ever! I reveal the details behind my debilitating back injury and my journey to recovery that TOTALLY changed my perspective on aging and health. I also share why a strong, positive mindset is KEY to achieving your goals, as well as the anti-inflammatory foods you should be adding to your diet to stay youthful and energized.
Listen to the full episode HERE.
ing in Reverse on The Athletic Fitness Show Podcast
In this episode we talk about the way to find out the real reason you want to achieve your goals and WHY that is the most important part of your journey. I share with you my 3 phases of life, why connecting with people is so important, and how you can find the real reason that will keep you motivated and taking action. Taking consistent action over time creates amazing results and I share with you the two rules you need to know to make your training successful!
Listen to the full episode here.
How to Kill Your False Assumed Truths & Improve Your Mindset on Sigrun Show
In this episode I share with you how KILL F.A.T. for a living — not just the fat on your body but your False Assumed Truths — the fat in your mind. You will learn how you can kill FAT in your life and business, too! I share with you the things you should take ownership of before you can start making real change and my THREE steps to major transformation, which is one of the reasons I wrote my new book Aging in Reverse. Learn why we make the decisions we make and why you need to be open-minded with what you can do regarding your nutrition, movement, and health. You CAN start new life patterns – even over 50, and I share with you how! It’s the same method I use every time I experience a rough spot.
Listen to the full episode HERE!
The Million Pound Mission Podcast and Aging in Reverse
Have you ever found yourself at absolute rock bottom and left wondering “What in the heck do I do?”. I’ve been there and I know first hand that can be a very scary place to be. BUT — this is also a place of huge opportunity and growth. 10 years ago I was a divorced single mom, broke, overweight, in debt and had lost my house and my confidence. At 39, I took a change of direction despite everyone saying I am too old! I DECIDED I was going to do it and I did. Since then, I have been on 11 magazine covers AFTER the age of 40 and I have became REALLY good at creating a vision, shifting my mindset and learning to create all possibilities from NOTHING. Now I thrive on helping others change their past stories and patterns to shift their beliefs and results! In this episode I share with you how I pulled myself out of my own rock bottom and advice for you if you’re ready to pull yourself out of yours!
Listen to the full episode HERE.
For the Love of Money with Chris Harder
On this episode with my friend Chris, I share my WHOLE story! Starting with my journey years ago when I found myself at rock bottom – I was a divorced single mom who lost my house, my retirement and gained a lot of weight. I created a vision board to inspire myself to make changes, but took it one step further by posting the process on social media for accountability. Not only did she I find accountability, but I also found a following that quickly led to an ultra successful business.
Seemingly having it all figured out, I was a shocked when I realized that my “following” wasn’t mind to stay and I saw a dramatic downslide to my business. With changing algorithms and a saturated market, I desperately attempted to turn it around by throwing money out to find a solution. Hundreds of thousands of dollars later, I went back to my initial strategy and that was to make authentic connections again – and it’s working amazingly!
I get super honest and vulnerable throughout this episode and reveal what it truly means to be an entrepreneur – the highs and the rock-bottom lows. What strides could you make if you connected on a more authentic level? Listen in to my friend Chris Harder interview me HERE
Swole Patrol with Dr. Drew
Released March 27, 2018
Listen as I tell Mike and Drew my story of how I lost everything all at once: my marriage, my job, my retirement and my home. At rock bottom with a new baby, I was able to turn my life around by implementing self-accountability, and used fitness and nutrition as a lifeline. At 46, I am in the best shape of her life and uses her motto, “Excuses or solutions…YOU decide,” to empower others.
Listen to the full episode HERE.
Renegade Radio – Overcoming Adversity, Finding Your Purpose, and Building Your Business
What you might not know is that I was once 65 pounds overweight and a million dollars in debt. If you’ve had setbacks and obstacles that have held you back, fear not. Your past doesn’t define you.
At rock bottom, I was forced to turn my life around, and I did it through fitness and nutrition. I am honored to have been able to discuss how to take your biggest challenges and turn rock bottom into a stepping stone for success with Jason Ferruggia on his amazing podcast, Renegade Radio.
Listen to the full episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or Stitcher.
The Fit2Fat2Fit Experience Podcast – Natalie Jill on Working Towards Getting Stronger as a Fitness Goal
Drew Manning is a fitness guru who literally went from FIT to FAT (intentionally) to FIT. His goal is to inspire people to get fit, help them realize that it IS possible and teach them how to do it. People who are overweight have to overcome both physical and emotional barriers when it comes to transforming themselves, and his mission was to gain a better understanding of how hard it really is to be overweight. Drew is a NY Times Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Self-Experimentation Expert, and Host of The Fit2Fat2Fit Experiment Podcast.
Listen to the full episode HERE.
Check out my episode on his podcast where we get into my story, learn how I changed my life and thousands of others with the 7 Day Jump Start, why I chose a 7 Day program, the difference between just a gluten-free and an unprocessed gluten-free diet…and more! Plus, we talk about my brand new book, 7 Day Jump Start – Unprocess Your Diet!
The Virgin Diet Lifestyle Show with JJ Virgin
Released May 18, 2016
From the worst time in my life, fast forward to today. Over 40 years old and am the healthiest I’ve ever been aiming to help people around the globe achieve their health dreams through mindset, fitness and nutrition. No matter where you are right now and what you’ve tried before, you’re going to LOVE this episode. I share with JJ Virgin my transformative story and a step-by-step plan you can start using to lose weight and feel your best!
In this podcast:
- What Natalie discovered about processed foods that can help you lose weight, feel great and become your best self! (PLUS: The FIRST step you should take if you’re trying to change your body and life)
- Natalie shares the best way to avoid diet information overload and the most important lesson she’s ever learned about weight loss
- What she eats on a daily basis for breakfast, lunch and dinner to stay fit and healthy
- An answer to a listener’s question: “How do I transition my kids off sugar?”
Listen to the full episode HERE.
One Love Heroes
Listen as I shaere my story with one of my great friends, Kim Bauman. I talk about hitting rock bottom, losing my house, being overweight and going through a divorce while pregnant and how that naturally became my calling to help others who are at their rock bottom.
In this episode Natalie talks about overcoming the mind-chatter, the limited beliefs, and her life path which led her to helping millions just by following her own truth. Organically, Natalie has gained nearly 2 million followers on Facebook and 500k+ on Instagram… clearly the world is by inspired by her journey. Natalie specializes in healthy lifestyles that extend beyond your physical weight loss but also focusing and caring for your state of mind & being. Thank you for listening! We hope you will enjoy! Podcast up on iTunes and the podcast app!
Listen to the full episode HERE.
Lori Harder’s Earn Your Happy Podcast -Natalie Jill on Fitness, Health, and Life!
Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you bust through your fears, connect to your soul and get focused and clear so you can elevate your life, business and relationships. Listen in as Lori Harder, founder of the Bliss Project, 3x fitness world champion, fitness expert and cover model, turned self-love junkie – lifestyle entrepreneur and author digs in shares the goods! Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to take action in your life. And I was fortunate enough to chat with Lori as a guest on her show to talk about fitness, health, life, and my brand new book!
Listen to the full episode HERE (episode 10).
How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Following on Facebook, Youtube and More with Mike Stelzner
I had the chance to talk with Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner about “How to Use Pinterest to Grow your Following on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and more!”
Do you want to know how I even got started with social media? It started with a picture. Of Food. And now I have over 1.3 million followers on Facebook and over 476,000 Instagram friends. I share all of this with you, teach you the “why” Pinterest is so valuable and share the unique strategies on How to use Pinterest to Grow Your Following through social media.
Listen to the full episode HERE
The Fit CEO
I had the chance to be on The Fit CEO to breakdown some of the biggest challenges in the world of health today. We’re covering celiac disease, long-term weight loss, successfully unprocessing your diet, gluten-free diets that make you fat, giving yourself a mindset makeover and a whole lot more. After listening to this episode you might start to realize where you’ve been playing small and making excuses, and what you can do to start stepping into your greatness.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why Natalie says she had a “fake life” even though things looked perfect from the outside. Why eating comfort foods can be a double-edged sword. What makes the power of decision so important in our lives. What celiac disease is and why it can be difficult to diagnose. How Natalie was able to recover from celiac disease. Why it’s important to look for the opportunities even in tough situations. Why your health impacts far more people than just yourself. How something Natalie started for her own benefit and accountability, ended up helping countless other people around the world. The shocking decision Natalie made at the age of 39 that will change your idea about what’s possible. What “unprocessing your diet and lifestyle” means. How a gluten-free diet can actually lead to poor health and weight gain. Why it’s difficult to overeat healthier foods.
Listen to the full episode HERE on iTunes or HERE on SoundCloud.
From Rock-Bottom to Rock-Hard Abs with Natalie Jill on Bulletproof Radio
On this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave and Natalie talk about breakfast, social media, unprocessed foods, gluten-free definitions, willpower and getting into the fat-burning mode. Enjoy the show!
- The evolution of Natalie’s e-books
- What does “unprocessed” mean?
- Gluten-free regulations & pet-peeves
- Top 3 recommendations to kick more ass and be Bulletproof!
Watch and/or listen HERE.
The Urban Monk – Starting Over
We’ve all had those moments. You know, the ones when we just seem to have failed at everything, nothing is going right, there doesn’t seem to be anyone around to help nor would they understand. What do you do when you fail and fail hard? Giving up always sounds like a good plan, but eventually we pick ourselves up. But where do we begin? This week Pedram Shojai and I talk about me hitting rock bottom, but turning myself around. Learn about my mission and the background that led me to where I am today.
Watch the episode HERE.
Online Super Coach Podcast: Natalie Jill: How A Social Media Superstar Scaled To Over 2 MILLION Followers! 
I am so grateful to have been interviewed by the amazing AJ Mihrzad for Online Super Coach Podcast!
- My powerful “Ask and Receive” method that helped her grow her online business
- How to monetize Pinterest and attract quality leads into your business
- How YOU can model my social media strategy
Pinterest Challenge to Build ALL Social Media Sites with Natalie Jill
Released Aug 23, 2014
Pinterest Pinfinity with Natalie Jill | Build Your Tribe Tuesday
Released Dec 02, 2014
In this “Build Your Tribe Tuesday” episode, Chalene Johnson chats with me about my powerful social media site, Pinterest. If you’re not on Pinterest right now, you should be! I share important tips to make sure that you get the followers you want. If you want more information about my Pinfinity program, visit www.getpinfinity.com. Listen in HERE.
The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes: Becoming an Entrepreneur at Age 4 
Learn the power of testimonials to grow your business, why it’s so important to listen to what your clients are asking for, the psychology of adding things into your life versus removing things and why I give 95% of my content away for free (and more)!
Unprocess Your Diet and Get a Mindset Makeover on The Model Health Show with Shawn Stevenson and Natalie Jill
A few of things we cover: What makes the power of decision so important in our lives. What celiac disease is and why it can be difficult to diagnose. Why it’s important to look for the opportunities even in tough situations. What “unprocessing your diet and lifestyle” means. How a gluten-free diet can actually lead to poor health and weight gain…and more!!
How To Fail Perfectly & Succeed Authentically with Natalie Jill & Jonathan Bailor #SANE
Released May 1, 2016
Listen to Jonathan and I chat about the UNPROCESSED solution that I cover in my new book, 7 Day Jump Start – Unprocess Your Diet.
How to Jump Start Your Life and Transform Your Body
In this interview I talk about how I simplify health and fitness for you. We spoke about my journey from hitting rock bottom to creating an amazing life and amazing business. Like many of you, I am also a mom — so I touch on how you can instill health and fitness in your child as well. We hit so many important points that I can’t wait for you to listen to this interview!
Gluten Free Myths Dispelled with Natalie Jill | How to sort the fad from the facts and get the most from a whole food, unprocessed foods
Released Oct 09, 2014
In this episode you’ll understand how to know with certainty that you are Gluten insensitive versus food allergies and how to test yourself. In this podcast, I help listeners understand why some people will actually gain weight if they simply go on a gluten free diet without understanding how to improve their over-all diet. I share my exact meal plan for a day and tells you exactly what I eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks! Learn how to sort the fad from the facts and get the most from a whole food, unprocessed, gluten free diet. Listen in to my interview HERE.
The Dr. Steven Show Podcast – The Art of Unprocessing Your Food with Natalie Jill
Dr. Steven hosts the internet’s top outlet for health information, innovation, and inspiration — The Dr. Steven Show. His guests include A-list healthcare luminaries, thought leaders on the future of medicine, and celebrity health & wellness trainers. After having to deal with some very deep personal issues, my physical health suffered. I shared with Dr. Steven how I turned my life around and have helped thousands of others do the same!
Listen to the full episode HERE.
Natalie of Natalie Jill Fitness talks living a healthy lifestyle and shares her own story
Released Jun 16, 2014
What does it take to get healthy and change your lifestyle? I personally, was diagnosed as having Celiac over 12 years ago.
On this podcast I talk about my biggest challenge and how letting the opinions of unsupportive people discouraged me from pushing forward. I discuss how to stay motivated and accountable.
Listen to this discussion on the Lifestyle Accountability Show HERE.
Natalie Jill – Turning to the Internet to further her cause
Released Mar 21, 2014
High Impact Blogging host Laura Williams interviews me on how I went from rock bottom to launching a 7 figure fitness and weight loss business. Listen in HERE.
MM 15.7 ROCK BOTTOM to ROCKSTAR | Natalie Jill fitness trainer & weight loss expert
Released May 11, 2015
Natalie’s story may surprise you. She went from being a successful corporate girl to hitting rock bottom and then turning it all around to live a crazy awesome life- doing what she once dreamed about. Natalie explains more on how no matter what our situation, no matter where you are starting, there is always hope, possibility, promise and the opportunity to go after even our biggest dreams! Like me, I am sure you will appreciate Natalie’s openness and how she shares her heart to move us and motivate us to stop the excuses, but rather find solutions! She encourages us to follow her lead, to take what we have learned and what we love then share it with others! Listen to interview HERE.
The Learning Leader Show with Ryan Hawk
Ryan Hawk features me on Learning Leader – How To Be Healthy, Happy, and Fit… And How To Maintain Great Abs Year Round. This was such a fun interview for me to be a part of. Ryan Hawk made me feel super welcome and I was thrilled to share information with his audience.
Some Questions He Asks:
- How did you get started with this career?
- What does a vision board do for you?
- What is your goal setting process?
- What is the 7 day jump start plan?
- How do you execute your plan?
- Why do you hate the elliptical?
- What do you suggest for people who have to travel a lot for work?
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- About vision boards and how they can help you
- About The 7 day jump start plan
- Why writing down your goals ensures you hit them
- How to practice addition (i.e. – eating more veggies will help you stop eating sweets)
- How to get out of your comfort zone
- The elements that define a quality life
Listen to the full episode HERE
The Persuit Interview with Kelsey Humphreys: How to Become a Successful Fitness Entrepreneur
If you want to learn how to make a living with your passion for fitness or grow any online business, you’ll love this episode where I share my journey and advice!
In this episode you will learn:
- What was the tipping point to you starting your own business?
- What was the process of discovering your interest in physical fitness?
- Did you have a marketing strategy in the beginning?
- What do you think was the key to continuing to grow that first year?
- When did you get to the point of having to hire someone?
- Tell us a bit about growing. Do you have advice for people on social media platforms?
- Why did you scrap Pinterest and start over?
- How do you do challenges and sequencing of events on Pinterest?
- How does that even work?
- What are you still doing yourself? Walk us through a typical day.
- What are your favorite podcasts?
- How do you and your fiance manage your personal life and business life?
- What is your #1 piece of advice for someone starting an online or fitness business?
Find extra resources for writing and entrepreneurship here.
So Money with Farnoosh Torabi
So Money host, Farnoosh Torabi, features me on her award winningpodcast.
In this interview, I break it all down and share exactly what happened, how I did it and how I am the woman that I am today after losing my house, my retirement and ending my marriage. I gained a lot of weight, but I turned it all around. I got my life back and I share with others how they can do the same.
Takeaways from my interview with Farnoosh:
- I give a crash course in branding and on rebuilding your life after hitting rock bottom. I talk about how adding, not subtracting from life made me richer and happier.
- My financial breakthrough that happened while pumping gas and having my credit card declined.
- And the weekend project that went on to create over a million dollars in revenue and became a business. This took me only 2 days to create.
Listen to the full episode HERE
Social Media Social Hour with Tyler Anderson
Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Tyler Anderson, Host of Social Media Social Hour. I shared my story and how I used Pinterest to grow my social media presence.
Are you curious how to grow your social media platforms like Facebook and Youtube through Pinterest like I did? Well, listen in because I’m going to tell you how you can too! No matter what business you’re in, you can use Pinterest to grow your other social media platforms. Did you know that Pinterest is the second biggest source of traffic drivers behind Facebook? I share information like this and more on how to help you define your brand and build and monetize in the online space.
Listen to the full episode HERE
Open Sky Fitness Podcast with Natalie Jill and Evan Dollard
I was recently on Open Sky Fitness Podcast where I got to talk with host, Rob, and cohost, American Ninja Warrior, Evan Dollard. We discussed setting goals in the new year, and how to be successful in accomplishing them! This year YOU can be successful. Listen as I share how I combined business strategy and sales with fitness and nutrition. Learn how my slogan, “Excuses or Solutions?…You Decide” will help you and what I have to say about DECIDING and how it makes the difference in success. Join me and Evan on Rob’s show as we share 14 expert strategies for success in 2016.
Listen to the full episode HERE
The Growth Now Movement: The Transformation Triangle with Natalie Jill
The Growth Now Movement is hosted by Entrepreneur and Public Speaker Justin Schenck. He sits down with amazing people with incredible stories of Growth! They teach you how to implement things into your life for you to live your dreams We all encounter struggles and hardships in life, we want to bring you the stories that will inspire you to overcome those obstacles to reach your goals. Please, join us on this journey!
In this episode we talk about my story of overcoming depression and being overweight to taking control of my life, having insane abs at 46 and building an online empire. We discuss how you need to have your mental state in a good place in order to live a healthy lifestyle and we dive into how you’re able to do that.
Listen to the full episode HERE
Create Your Own Life Podcast with Jeremy Ryan Slate: Breaking Through Your Own Limiting Beliefs
In this episode we talk about breaking through your own limiting beliefs. Things aren’t always what they seem…or what you tell yourself! Break through to take control of your life.
Listen to the full episode HERE
Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!