A healthy wine with no sugar or hangovers? YES… (keep reading!)

A healthy wine with no sugar or hangovers? YES… (keep reading!)

OK lets get down to business here. Let’s talk WINE!

Oh, and before I forget, keep reading to the end and you can get a bottle for ONLY a penny…or $0.01 if you like numbers!

Many of my health conscious clients just like YOU love to ask me about WINE.

Vino, that tasty adult treat that so many of us enjoy with a nice meal, with friends, or just to melt the stress away after a long day!

The problem with wine has typically been the sugar, what you consume while drinking it, and of course the hangover & associated feelings after the fact!

But, clients still ask… CAN I DRINK WINE!?

I finally have some good news here…

Yes, you can!  BUT…

If you want to do it in the healthiest way possible..

then PLEASE make sure you get: Zero-Sugar Natural Wine – Dry Farm Wines!

Apparently, there are two main types of wine: commercial wines and Natural Wines. Most wines in the stores are commercial. They’re made with dyes, thickeners, flavoring, and more than 70 other government approved additives!

Because alcohol is regulated differently from other food, wine companies are not required to put an ingredients label on bottles, so you’d never know what’s really in your wine.

There’s so much more that I didn’t know about regular, commercial wines … 

  • Wines can be really high in sugar and alcohol to appeal to the American palate 
  • Vineyards are overwhelmingly farmed with pesticides and herbicides
  • Most wines in the world are fermented with yeast that is made in a lab

I could go on and on. It was really eye opening to discover all this about the wines I’ve been enjoying. 

Thankfully, there’s another type of wine called NATURAL wine.  That’s the kind of wine Dry Farm Wines sources. 

TRUST ME, you can most certainly Taste and Feel the Difference with this pure Natural Wine . And I am about to sound like a sales person for them because here it is:

This is the ONLY Natural wine that goes above and beyond industry standards to meet: sugar free, additive free, lower alcohol, organic farming,

Here is the deal…

Dry Farm Wines sources wines according to their  criteria of farming and purity , vet every grower, taste every wine, and ensure every wine is lab tested through an independent enologist. Every bottle in their collection is:



Lower Alcohol (less than 12.5%)

Sugar Free (<1g/L)

Friendly to Keto & Paleo

Free of Toxic Additives

Lower Sulfites (less than 75ppm)

OK , but like you I had more questions. How did this company come about? Why is their wine so good tasting and so good for us?

So, I went into interview mode. I sat down with the Founder of Dry Farms Wine, Todd White on this weeks Listen Up podcast.

Todd is a writer, speaker and leading authority on healthy, organic natural wines and supporter of micro-dosing alcohol for health, longevity and vitality.

As an avid biohacker and health experimenter, Todd is really a leader in the space, which is why he’s created this wine.

For the last 15+ years he has specialized in the natural health and wine business. He has dedicated his life to educating and helping people make better choices about food, nutrition, and how they think about consuming alcohol.

LISTEN TO THE EPISODE BELOW! Just hit the pink play button!

Before you go… don’t forget to get a bottle of Dry Farms Wine for just ONE CENT!

 Order HERE and with your first shipment of a Dry Farm Wines membership you’ll receive an additional bottle for a penny!


Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.